We ask for your support as we continue to grow as a leading provider of arts education programs and services in Colorado.
Donate Online *
Fill out and click the “Donate” button on the form below to make a donation online or click HERE to visit our fundraiser page and make a donation today!
Donate by Mail *
Make your check payable to Think 360 Arts and mail to:
Think 360 Arts for Learning
1325 S. Colorado Blvd., Suite 605
Denver CO 80222
Planned Giving
Consider leaving a lasting legacy and ensuring the future of early childhood arts education by including Think 360 Arts for Learning in your estate plans or making a planned gift today. If you are interested setting up a legacy gift for Think 360 Arts, please contact Think 360 Arts Development and Marketing Coordinator, Bethany Laffan at bethany@think360arts.org.