Jazz Holmes is an artist who creates drawings though a variety of media. She received her BFA from the University of West Florida and her MFA from Colorado State University. She is currently a resident at Redline Contemporary Art Center and the Denver Botanical Gardens. The technicolor human form is the center piece of her works. Using her own Creole background as a catalyst, her work both celebrates the many colorful aspects of Black American culture while creating conversation on how it’s consumed and regurgitated by pop-culture.
Understanding the basics of media and learning how to use them to best benefit an individuals artistic style is of upmost importance to her teaching style. Everyone has their own way of creating art. Guidance of the endless amount of materials out there can help an artist better understand what can be used to help deliver the message to want others to receive from their work. Her teaching philosophy centers around tapping into each individuals needs rather than getting to to conform to one method of technique. See Jazz’s resume for details.